Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's a Fa-Boo-Lous Week!

Over at  Happy Life, Crafty Wife, Tamara is hosting a Halloween Inspiration week.  Not only is there tons of inspiration, but lots of prizes all week!

The girls at Carta Bella have joined in on the fun, with projects using Carta Bella's collection, "All Hallow's Eve".   I have made a few projects with this line, and I seriously love this collection!  It's what I like to call, "Sophisticated Halloween." So with that in mind, I created this sophisticated Halloween mask:
It started off with a plain mask purchased from Michael's.  I covered it with the patterned paper, All Hallow's Eve.
When covering objects that are not flat, I find paper can be manipulated a little easier when it's wet.  I usually wet it with warm water and then blot it with paper towel, leaving it damp.  Using liquid glue, cover your base, leaving about 1/4" to 1/2" extra paper along the edges, to fold over to the back of the mask.  You will probably have creases around the nose area, but these can be camouflaged with bling and stickles.  I stickled around the eyes and a little bit around the nose with Bronze Stickles.
I cut diecut flowers with Sizzix's Tattered Pinecone die.  The large flower was an accordian flower, punched along the edges.  The branches surrounding the flower, were cut out with Sizzix's On the Edge Twigs die.  Add in some Carta Bella pearl and rhinestone brads, sticker for the centers, Prima bling, dollar store spiders and a few feathers, and your mask is almost complete. 
 The long strips are papers from the collection, cut out with the Sizzix Vintage Lace die and tattered banner die.  I wrapped a piece of dowel with Tim Holtz tinsel, and hot glued the stick and strips of paper to the back of the mask.  To finish off the back, I took strips of printed tissue and glued these randomly all over the back.
Just a word of warning, making these masks is addictive!
Head over to Tamara's blog and leave a comment today to win this prize package!
There's lots of goodies in this package, love those muslin bags, great for altering!

Before you leave to check out what the other designers on FaBooLous Inspiration Week have created, leave a comment here to win this Carta Bella collection kit!  Winner will be announced at the end of the week.
Have a Fa-boo-Lous Day!



  1. The mask is fabulous! I am going to make one! Thanks for the wet paper tip!

  2. I absolutely love the mask. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Stopping by from Tamara's blog... love this project! Am you're latest follower!

  4. This is amazing, absolutely stunning! I loved the tip on getting the paper wet to "mold" it. I bet you're hoping to get invited to a masquerade party! ;-) It really is gorgeous, thanks for sharing.

  5. Great finish to the mask. Thanks for the ideas and tips.

    Carla from Utah

  6. Your mask is really cool and fun!

  7. Of all the day's projects I thought yours was just the best and the one I want to make. Glad you added instructions, I can try to get some of the flowers cut with one of my Cricut carts... I never looked at the masks at Michael's but now I have a mission!!

  8. This is so beautiful!!! Love masks like this, and will definitely try this out. Thanks for walking us through the process :)

  9. Another beautiful project Jan. Thanks for the step by step directions.

  10. What a great idea, Jan!!! :) I love your unique treat holders!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share (love your detailed technique),

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com

  11. Coming over from Tamara's blog and WOW! I am so in love with this project, what a beautiful job you did embellishing this mask. I am a new fan!

  12. You are such a creative mind. I love all the goodies piled on! I would never have thought of doing a mask as a project. Really cute Jan


Thank you so much for your comments, I appreciate all of them! I hope you will visit me again!