Monday, July 15, 2013

"One Year" Layout

The theme this month on Sizzix's blog is "Celebrations" and I decided to do this layout about something that makes me happy!  I celebrate every year that I am cancer free by walking in Edmonton's "Run for the Cure" breast cancer run. The turn out for this walk/run is amazing, but it is also heart wrenching to see how many people have been affected by this cancer.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if someday there wasn't a need to have these fundraisers, because there was no cancer?
I have a tutorial on the Sizzix blog today, showing how I made my layout.  I loved making these Moroccan flowers, and they were so easy!

Hope you visit me there, I'd love to hear what you think of my embossed flowers!
Have a great week!



  1. This is simply amazing Jan. I love all your details. A big congrats to you on another year being Cancer Free!!!

  2. It would be indeed!! Fantastic though that you have another year free of Cancer & that you can help those going through treatment/recovery.
    Love the Morocco feel to your layout; I grew up in North Africa so any reminder of this is special to me!! TFS.. :))


Thank you so much for your comments, I appreciate all of them! I hope you will visit me again!