Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Remembering Mom

It's already May, and that means it's time for Urban Scrapbook's monthly challenge.  This month our layouts were about celebrating Mothers.  I chose to celebrate my mother-in-law, Gwyneth, who unfortunately passed away last October from pancreatic cancer.  Here's mine:

The monthly kits are filled with Basic Grey's Mon Ami  collection papers, Basic Grey chipboard Scrabble letters, ribbons, and Prima wood and resin embellishments.  To see the other Urban Design Team layouts, visit Urban's blog here.

Now for a bit of news; me being a proud mom, I have to share.  My daughter Cassandra is going to be on the Canadian Home Shopping Network on Thursday, May 8th.  For those of you who followed her on Fashion Star last year, she's back with a new collection of clothes and will be selling them on Thursday.  On May 13th, she will be on the American shopping channel, ShopHQ.  I know she's on three times on Thursday, but I'm not sure how many on May 13th.  Should be fun to watch!

That's all I have to share today, thanks for stopping by!



  1. This is gorgeous Jan! !! Congrats to Cassandra - I'll try and watch!

  2. I love the scattered leaves and the stitching with the thread tails. I always get lot's of inspiration from your projects Jan.


Thank you so much for your comments, I appreciate all of them! I hope you will visit me again!