Friday, November 14, 2014

Tim Holtz Media Team Countdown Calendar

I have a tutorial for the Tim Holtz Media Team on Tim's blog today.  I will be sharing how I made this Christmas Countdown Calendar:

Hope you visit me there!

Have a great weekend,


  1. This is truly wonderful Jan, I feel so inspired to make one myself. I left a comment on Tim's blog but wanted to stop by here just to let you know that I really love this idea and how you made it uniquely yours. I love your work and stop by often even though I don't leave a comment. Happy Holidays -

  2. OH YEA...Had to join your LOVELY blog! LOVE IT! Thank you for the great tutorial Jan...awesome artwork, your a pro!

  3. Love how you made the greenery appear to be real! Well done!

  4. Just wanted to leave a comment about how much I love this! As soon as my Christmas craziness settles down I will be making one and I wanted to thank you for the inspiration!


Thank you so much for your comments, I appreciate all of them! I hope you will visit me again!