Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January Tag Challenge

This month our group's challenge was to make a tag that represented our favorite winter activity.  I hate being cold (and I live in Alberta!) so any winter activity for me involves indoors, fireplace, hot drink, and warm cozy clothes.  Although, I do like taking winter photos and I love snow at Christmas but just not the cold temperatures.  We have been extremely lucky this winter, breaking records for the warmest winter, and very little snow.... until this week.  It has been in the low -30's to almost -40's, that's Celsius not Fahrenheit!  At least it's perfect weather for scrapbooking and my favorite winter activity, reading.  I read a lot throughout the year, but it's so nice to cuddle up with a good book when it's cold and snowing outside.
For my tags I used old book covers as the tag base.  I buy used books for the inside pages, but I save the covers for future projects.  Since the covers are harder than chipboard, I didn't want to chance ruining my tag die, so I cut them out with a craft knife, using a chipboard tag as a template.

The flowers were made with a Spellbinder's die(Spiral Blossom One) Tim Holtz Pinecone die, and the small leaves, flowers were from Memory Box.(Catalina border) I also dipped the bookpaper flowers in Utee and sprinkled on some clear glass glitter immediately.  Some of the covers were plainer so I cut out a rectangle from the spine(included the title) and glued it onto the front of the tag.  I printed my tickets from this website  and added in my own words.
My photos aren't the greatest, the light isn't great this time of year, and I took them outside (very fast in the cold!) but here are a few closeups:

Today I had the day off, and because it was so cold out, I decided to stay home and scrapbook.  Here's a layout I did with a line from My Mind's Eye called "Kraft Funday, Bright Days":

I added in some Tim Holtz Kraft Coredinations paper, Prima Wood buttons, a 7Gypsies ruler, a porcelain number (the photo was taken in 1982), Cosmo Cricket word sticker and My Mind's Eye matching kraft embellishments.  I love the little package of circle garland!
That's all for today, stay warm!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous tags Jan!!!! The colors are sooo vibrant and eye catching...and by the way ...your photos turned out better than mine do in the sunshine! hehe...Loooove the layout... the big flower is just gotta be my favorite out there!

  2. Oh Jan! Your tags are amazing!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing them! I am in need of some book covers now! I love the flowers, leaves and all the glitter glass! Hope all is well with you! And - I need to send you an e-mail soon....I got a mac and Apeture but have no idea where to start with it! Any suggestions?

  3. Beautiful tags Jan. Using old book covers as tags is a great idea.

  4. I love love love your layout! So cute and those tags are gorgeous!


Thank you so much for your comments, I appreciate all of them! I hope you will visit me again!