Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just sharing...

a couple of layouts and a card.  I'm not a big fan of pinks and purples usually, but with all the different color combinations out lately, I seem to be attracted to these colors.  Pink Paislee's "Vintage Vogue" collection is a great line that uses purples and pinks.  Here's a layout using this line:

I didn't use a lot of embellishments (shocking for me!) on this layout, other than the diecuts from their ephemera package and their wooden spool buttons.  I pop dotted some of the diecuts and squares for dimension too.

I made this birthday card for one of the girls at Urban (Roxanne) last week and this time I remembered to take a photo.  My new favorite Memory Box die (until the new ones come in) is their twig and leaf die and I used it to make the wreath on the card.  The twigs, leaves and berries are not attached when you cut out the die, so you can use any part of the die.

I used My Mind's Eye papers and Prima flowers and bird's nest.
And, because I'm still hooked on using that die, I decided to use it on Urban Scrapbook's next monthly challenge.  The kits aren't up for sale until February 1st, but I'm cheating and showing you my layout early.  Shhh, don't tell anyone!  Truth is, I'm putting it on today because I will probably forget to do it next week, and I don't seem to post as often as I would like!

After searching for hours for the photos I wanted to use and not finding them, I decided to use these photos of Pat's daughter and my dad's puppy we gave him for his birthday.  They were perfect for these papers from Basic Grey.  There's my wreath made from the Memory Box die!
Next week the Urban Design Team layouts will be on display at the store and on our website.  I haven't chosen the layout for the kit yet, I'm looking forward to seeing what our amazing design team has come up with!
Have a great week!


  1. Whether it is a card or a layout...your artistry shines through! Lovely work, Jan :)

  2. Love the black & white photos with the vintage vogue papers - great combo.

  3. I love the card you made for Roxanne - absolutely stunning. I also nominated you for the Liebster award...check it ou on my blog! Miss you lots!


Thank you so much for your comments, I appreciate all of them! I hope you will visit me again!